CSS Visibility Generator BETA





The box is visible.


CSS Visibility Generator

In CSS, the visibility property is used to control the visibility of an HTML element. It determines whether an element is displayed or hidden on the web page while still taking up space in the layout.

The visibility property can have two main values:

visible (default): This value indicates that the element should be visible and displayed on the web page. It's the default behavior for most HTML elements.

.visible-element { visibility: visible; }

hidden: This value indicates that the element should be hidden from view but still occupies space in the layout. It effectively makes the element invisible, but it doesn't collapse the space it occupies.

.hidden-element { visibility: hidden; }

Using the visibility property with hidden can be useful when you want to toggle the visibility of an element dynamically with JavaScript or CSS transitions without affecting the layout of surrounding elements.

It's important to note that setting an element's visibility to hidden will hide the element visually, but it's still present in the DOM (Document Object Model). If you want to completely remove an element from the DOM, you can use the display property with the value none.

Here's an example of how to use both properties:

.removed-element { display: none; }

In this case, the display: none; property removes the element from the layout and the DOM, while visibility: hidden; hides the element but retains its space in the layout.

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